Businesses Guide to Product Packaging

Sam Zhu
Sam Zhu

Founder of Sam's Packaging

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The right packaging can make a world of difference. It can take your product from good to great, and move it from your website to your customers online cart, or from the shelf to their shopping bags. Here is a quick guide to help you make sure that your product is presented at its best.

Choosing the best packaging.

It’s never just a case of choosing something that looks great.

  • Make sure the packaging reflects the brand. The best packaging does not only represent the product, it also communicates the brand its values as well as its market position.
  • Understand your target market. Focus on your target market, package the product for them and make sure the packaging talks to them at every step of the buying journey.
  • Package for travel for extra safety. Your product packaging needs to be able to travel from point A to point B with ease and with minimal damage. Fragile or bulky products, you want to use a box that is designed for strength whereas retail shelf products put more effort into the outward display.
  • Don’t forget about the material. You don’t want your products to be housed in the wrong material. When picking the right way or thickness, find out what works best: Paper board for lightweight material. Best used for cosmetics, jewelry, food, pharmaceuticals or retail products. Corrugated for fragile or bulky items. Best used as shipping cartons subscription boxes and e-commerce packages.
  • Use standard sizes. Try to use a range of standard sizes. This will help not only in reducing costs but also in giving greater flexibility on pallets in your warehouse.
  • Ergonomics matters. Think about how your customers will open and interact with your box. If they have difficulties in accessing the product, their frustration may keep them from coming back for more.

Selecting the right box type. 

The type of box is crucial to getting the product safely to the customers.


  • RSC Box stands for regular slotted carton. This is what most people think of when they think of shipping boxes. Four flaps that fold over one another, meet in the middle and are taped shut.
  • These boxes make a great budget option, as they require less cardboard and tooling to make.

Die Cut Box

  • Die-cut boxes are generally more customized, leaving plenty of room

for creativity for companies that seek a more branding-focused design.

  • These boxes may be more expensive but they sure can help build or boost your brand.

Multi-Crease box

  • Multi crease boxes are cardboard boxes that can fold to multiple depths at different creases.
  • Also known as corner cut folders. These boxes can be used for both storing and shipping items to faraway places.

Product packaging inventory. 

Running out of packaging products is never an option. Have a look at what you’ve got. Set a reminder to check your existing inventory system to keep track of what packaging you have in stock, or you can use something as simple as a post-it note and a marker. Whenever you reach for that note, you know you are ready to order.

Proper storage and handling. 

To give your packaging boxes a longer shelf life, store them:

  • In a dry place, away from water. Moisture and cause bubbling or damage
  • Away from windows as strong sunlight will cause fading.
  • In a clean environment to avoid dust.

Quick tip: Keep your boxes stored flat. Otherwise, they can become bowed or warped, which will make them a little hard to fold.

Helping customers save money. 

Make small moves to improve customer satisfaction. Embed a shipping calculator on to your website to ensure customers can get quotes even during out-of-office hours. Offer bulk buying options to help them cut back not just on cost but also on the environmental consequences of shipping.

We can help you make your brand and products stand out in the best way possible. Visit to find how.

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