Choosing the Best Packaging Supplier: Manufacturer Vs. Trading Company

Sam Zhu
Sam Zhu

Founder of Sam's Packaging

Table of Contents

Packaging can make or break your business and the right supplier is crucial. Manufacturers, trading companies and hybrids like Sam’s Packaging-The Choice Can Confound. In this guide, we will take you through the specifics of each option so that by the time you decide to settle on a packaging supplier, you can do it enlightened.


manufacturer, one of the best packaging supplier

Manufacturers do manufacture their own goods to become full control over everything. But like everything in business, there are pros and cons to choosing a manufacturer as your supplier of packaging.

Pros of Choosing a Manufacturer

  • High-Quality Assurance: All manufacturers are familiar with all intricacies involved with their manufacturing process. This control over the process can result in high quality assurance in most cases. Since a majority of the manufacturers enforce stringent quality checks at almost every stage of production.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: As the manufacturers themselves manufacture the products, there isn’t any middle-man. This tends to provide cost-effective prices to businesses procuring right from the source in which they don’t have any intermediaries.

Cons of Choosing a Manufacturer

  • Limited Product Variety: In product manufacturing, they specialize in the type of product and may lack the variety to handle a complex business. For instance, if for your business you need both cardboard boxes and bubble mailing satchels, you will end up with two different manufacturers, thereby making the procuring task challenging.
  • Customer Service: While not true for all, some manufacturers might focus more on production than customer service. If a strong business relationship with open lines of communication is important to you, this could be a significant downside.

The Trading Company

trader, one of the best packaging supplier

Trading companies do not produce the goods they sell, unlike the manufacturer. They source them in from various manufacturers. Thus, they provide a single point of contact for businesses who need a variety of products.

Pros of Choosing a Trading Company

  • Range of Products: The range of products that are offered by trading companies usually is wide. They have quite a number of sources from various manufacturers positioning the trading companies to be in a position to offer a one-stop solution shop for businesses that require a wide variety of packaging materials.
  • Superior Customer Service: Trading companies are better off with providing a customer service as they stand between the two entities. Their ability to provide tailored solutions easily makes them more supple when it comes to filling specific requirements of their clients.

Cons of Choosing a Trading Company

  • Higher Costs: Products obtained from trading companies come with higher prices when compared to buying them directly from the manufacturers of the products. This high price is attributed to the costs of looking for the products, sourcing for them, storing, and supplying them in the market.
  • Possible Quality Issues: A source of likely quality problem lies in the fact that, since being trading companies, they do not have control over their own manufacturing process as a manufacturer would. So, with these trading companies sourcing from different manufacturers, inconsistency in quality may exist.

Sam's Packaging: Best of Both Worlds

Sam's packaging manufacturer, the best packaging supplier

Sam’s Packaging gives to you the strengths of both manufacturers and trading companies combined in one hybrid solution. Here are reasons that will make Sam’s Packaging your preferred packaging supplier.

Pros of Choosing Sam's Packaging

  • Quality Assurance: Since we come from the manufacturing background, you have assured us of the same quality controls as would be in place by a manufacturer on the products we handle and offer you.
  • Our Products: We do realize that a variety of professionals do demand different packaging solutions. So under one roof, we offer a wide range of products all suited to your packing needs.
  • Excellent Customer Service: Just as the best trading companies, we seek to give excellent customer service. We believe that every unique client has different needs for which generic solutions will not solve.
  • Competitive Pricing: Directly in the line of production, highly competitive pricing is offered by Sam’s Packaging that is perfectly balanced with cost effectiveness, high quality and exceptional service.

Cons of Choosing Sam's Packaging

  • Delivery Time: Though all efforts are made from our end to deliver you at the earliest but as per the requirement of the order under a variety of different product types, some orders might take a longer shipping duration vis-a-vis others. We’re crystal clear about our timelines and definitely will keep every update of processing flow where we owe.

choosing the best packaging supplier

Choosing the right packing supplier is a decision that has to be taken wisely. It all comes about in striking a balance between quality, cost, and diversity plus the customer care in place.

For example, cost is of utmost importance to you and you have only one type of packaging to be made, then a manufacturer may well be your best option. Should you require a broader range of materials for packaging purposes, and would prefer to liaise with one point of contact where your experience will be most tailor-fit towards your needs, then a trading company may prove most suitable.

But what if all of these don’t work out for you? That is where Sam’s Packaging comes in. With our manufacturing roots, wide range of products, superior customer service and competitive pricing we offer a unique hybrid approach that might just check all your boxes.

Real-life Examples

For instance, let’s say you have a small e-commerce business that sells crafts that you make by hand. You need bubble mailers to ship your product but for special gift orders, you’re going to need boxes with your brand on them, and for different sized products, you’re going to need various envelopes.

With a manufacturer, maybe you would have to get in touch with several companies for each type of product. With a trading company all the products maybe would be coming from one place, but it maybe would be a little bit more expensive.

In contrast, Sam’s Packaging would be able to supply all these products, ensure high quality, and offer competitive prices due to our direct line to production. Plus, you’d benefit from our exceptional customer service that focuses on meeting your specific needs.


Choosing the perfect packaging supplier amongst the business essentials and choosing a perfect packaging is an essential aspect of managing business and successfully so. It’s not just choosing the right supplier, but the packaging supplier should develop into a partner with common yet understood interests and working towards attainment of common goals of mutual interests and benefits.

Whether you go with a manufacturer, go through a trading company or the hybrid solution that is Sam’s Packaging really depends on your businesses unique needs. So take your time, do your research and make an informed decision.

Remember that your packaging does more than just hold your product; it gives character to your brand. Partner with a supplier that understands that and will create innovative ways of packaging that will safeguard your products while helping to outwardly advertise your brand.

And if should have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. We in Sam’s Packaging are always willing to help you make the best choice of package for your company.

Whichever one you choose, the key to it is that a packaging supplier is of worth if they are going to be able to adapt to the changing needs in your business, grow with your business, and produce quality products within schedule, every time. And this is what we strive for here at Sam’s Packaging.

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