Does Packaging Affect Value?

Sam Zhu
Sam Zhu

Founder of Sam's Packaging

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Does packaging affect value?

In my opinion, there is nothing new only different. This notion of differentiation helps me as a packaging scientist to quickly understand a product’s value proposition, so I have the information needed to craft a great packaging experience.

For some brands, packaging is a means to an end, it can be an afterthought and is oftentimes evaluated on cost versus value. For many product categories, there is little difference in value from brand to brand and in my opinion, packaging is the differentiator.

The product is oftentimes the constant and the packaging is the variable. It is what adapts to the marketplace and consumer changes. Let’s consider the spice category with the product type of basil.

Here are three different basil products removed from their packaging. A is the least expensive, B is five times more expensive than A and C is seven times more expensive than A. So why the large price difference without packaging? It’s difficult to discern value. Packaging helps to differentiate your value proposition to specific buyer motivations. Simply but consider the three buyer motivations that need, want and desire. Packaging is the medium where you have control in aligning your value proposition with fire motivation and outside of subtle product difference, all three of these products claim one ingredient—basil. It’s the packaging that is providing value. It’s nothing new only different!

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