E-Commerce & Packaging for Pets

Sam Zhu
Sam Zhu

Founder of Sam's Packaging

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Let’s not forget about our furry friends and how they’ve been affected by Covid-19. While the virus has created lots of empty shelves in the stores, on the other side, it also created a lot of empty cages in many animal shelters.

With everyone being at home, the human desire for companionship has driven many to adopt pets. 

That beats a cardboard cutout any day of the week. Pet owners love to pamper their pets especially where they can get their pampering stuff online. According to a report from packaged facts, online sales of pet products reach an estimated 11.4 billion dollars in 2019 and with everyone being homebound these days, it’s likely that that number will be exceeded in 2020. There are several sites online that cater to pets and their owners. There’s Chewy, Surprise My Pet, Bark Box, just to name a few. With many options online pet owners that love to spoil their little friends online, pet supply companies need to stand out with their packaging by providing positive unboxing experiences.

Let’s focus on Bark Box, they have lots of online fans that film their unboxing experiences that are all over YouTube. 

Even Lumi, who puts a lot of energy in talking about unboxing experiences, did an unboxing on her Channel. According to Suzanne MacDonald, chief commercial officer bark box, “history has shown us that people actually spend more on their pets in an economic downturn”. Recently Bark Box decided to piggyback on the release of SCOOB for their grooviest box ever. What keeps people coming back to Bark Box is how fun it is to actually open the package with their pets. I think that’s the takeaway not for just other online pet supply companies but for everybody that’s doing E-Commerce. If you want to create loyal followers in the vast ocean of online options where customers can be fickle, you have to create a positive unboxing experience. Nothing will lose a customer faster than annoying them with your Packaging, so make it awesome.

Want more information about E-commerce packaging, please check Samspackaging.com. We are happy to share with you all the knowledge about packaging.

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