Industry doesn’t Touch Packaging

Sam Zhu
Sam Zhu

Founder of Sam's Packaging

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Are there industries that don’t touch packaging?

Sports industry? Soccer balls, if you want to buy a piece of sporting equipment. It’s going to come in really nice package.

What about the legal industry? If you think about packaging, literally it’s a legal document you’re looking right at it from the branding like ideas, like slack fill how much product is in the packaging versus the total package size. You’re thinking about all of the nutritional facts, manufacturing information. All of that it is a living legal representation of the brand. What about automotive? You don’t go to the car store and unwrap a car. Unboxing the car isn’t really a big thing, but the average car could have up to 30 000 parts and each of those parts can have up to seven different packages. I can say with absolute confidence that a car company has more specifications on packaging than they do actual car parts. What about education? If you think about education. It’s literally packaging content. All comes in from books and curriculums and things like that. When I think about education, it’s packaging up content and not just in a practical sense of how someone built a curriculum but literally a lot of curriculums are packaged from books and content curricula activities all coming in different types of kits, so thinking about education like that and the number of packages that we receive on a daily basis is pretty significant. It’s such a large industry.

What about the film industry? When I think about the film industry, I think about sets. I think about locations. I think about moving all of that stuff from a to b from storage, archiving inventory labels, scanning, checking out processes, making sure all that stuff can move from a to b without breaking and being damaged. The entire industry relies on packaging literally. When I think about film, I think about lots of packaging.

What about Consulting? That is a broad industry. If every industry has a consultant and I think that’s the point is that packaging touches every single industry. If you are a consultant, you’d better know packaging because you’re trying to bring value to the table and honestly every industry touches packaging. As a consultant, you really need to understand your area of expertise and you can bring that value to help people understand how packaging is going to work for them and how to make the most of it.

So, the conclusion is that every industry touches packaging and packaging is very important. Want more information about packaging, please check We are happy to share with you all the knowledge about packaging.

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