Sam's Class

This space is a treasure trove of industry knowledge, product insights, and latest news straight from the heart of the packaging industry. As we embark on this journey of learning together, you’ll gain an inside view of the manufacturing process, the industry trends, and the valuable lessons I’ve gathered along the way. Explore, engage and enrich your understanding of the packaging world right here at Sam’s Class!

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The Art of Patterns in Packaging Design

Packaging design is not just about protecting a product; it’s a critical aspect of brand storytelling. Among the myriad of design elements, patterns hold a

unboxing experience

Why is Unboxing So Popular?

Unboxing is one of the most popular search terms on YouTube and yields millions of results and thousands upon thousands of hours for consumers to

history of packaging machine

Moments in Packaging History

Since the beginning of recorded history, humankind has always had stuff. We had some form of clothing, food, beverages and the essentials. We were always

Transparent Packaging of product

Benefits of Transparent Packaging

How many times have you gone out to a store or restaurant, purchased something and upon receiving it you thought to yourself that’s disappointing? We

Tape of dual purpose packaging

What is Dual Purpose Packaging?

What is dual purpose packaging?  It’s the packaging that serves a second purpose whether it’s a benefit that helps you use the product or a

Johnnie Walker whiskey of glass bottle

Wow! Paper Bottle Packaging

In some very interesting recent news, Diageo, makers of Johnnie Walker whiskey have announced plans to release a paper-based bottle in 2021. That’s right. A

reduce single use packaging

Reducing Single Use Packaging

We’re out of cereal again. I feel like we just bought some. I don’t want to buy another box and I just wish there was

all kinds of Ergonomic Packaging

What is Ergonomic Packaging?

I hate peanut butter knuckles. What are peanut butter knuckles? It’s when you get to the last of the peanut butter in the bottom of

Pringle paper packaging

Try Paper Packaging!

Imagine there is a glass with logo, whenever I drink out of this glass, I always try to drink right over top of the logo.

gift box packaging

Industry doesn’t Touch Packaging

Are there industries that don’t touch packaging? Sports industry? Soccer balls, if you want to buy a piece of sporting equipment. It’s going to come

packaging for pets

E-Commerce & Packaging for Pets

Let’s not forget about our furry friends and how they’ve been affected by Covid-19. While the virus has created lots of empty shelves in the

kraft box

Does Packaging Design Affects Sales?

As you might have heard Land O’Lakes, makers of that butter in your fridge, have recently decided to change their logo and packaging graphics. Removing

packaging value

Does Packaging Affect Value?

Does packaging affect value? In my opinion, there is nothing new only different. This notion of differentiation helps me as a packaging scientist to quickly

reuse packaging

How to Reuse Your Packaging

Being stuck at home all day means a lot of us are having to rely even more on online shopping and home delivery to provide

packaging box

Influential Trends in Packaging

Packaging is intimately connected with the development of society. Looking back in time, the existence of packaging is a direct reflection of a society’s needs,

sustainable packaging

Sustainable Brand Packaging & Consumers

Today we’re going to talk about sustainability, specifically how consumers relate to sustainable brand packaging and also some innovations in sustainable packaging. Roughly people who

Interactive packaging

What is Interactive Packaging

The first impression of a packaging can make the difference between success and failure of a product. Today more than ever it is necessary to

paper bags and paper boxes

Is Packaging Necessary?

Is packaging necessary and why do we need packaging? Is packaging sustainable? Packaging has many forms. You can have boxes. You can have very complicated

Mystery Boxes are not Mysterious!

Mystery boxes are not mysterious! As we all know, packaging is regarded as the last but essential part of most production. Good packaging not only

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