The Effects of COVID-19 on Packaging Industry

Sam Zhu
Sam Zhu

Founder of Sam's Packaging

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We just recently received our all non-essential business closing order and I think those kinds of orders certainly affect the packaging industry for sure.

In fact, according to a recent article, associations in the US and Europe are urging box and container board supply chains to keep moving. Dennis Connolly, president and CEO of the fiber box Association says that corrugated cardboard packaging is the backbone of the American supply chain. As COVID-19 changes our daily lives, we want to assure consumers that the Box industry is continuing to operate and to deliver needed packaging to our customers who supply grocery stores, pharmacies, doctor’s offices and hospitals with food and medical supplies to keep us all healthy and safe. I guess there are some cross-border restrictions or something like that taking place in certain areas and that certainly affects the packaging supply chain. In Europe, CITPA said the border crossing restrictions should be avoided. The CIPTA Secretary General, Angelika Christ says that the industry urges governments to keep the borders open and to allow continued transport of raw materials and packaging which are vital for the medical and food sectors. If a truck loaded with supplies came up to one of those Border Patrols, all they have to do is just like slip them a roll of toilet paper and keep driving, that stuff like currency these days.

Today there is no known cure for COVID-19.

When it comes to the packaging in your daily life, no doubt some of you are wondering what you need to do. We still get packages around here. Infectious disease expert dr. Stephen Threlkeld said it’s hard to know whether transmission through deliveries is likely. A person would have to put enough of the virus on a piece of cardboard to last days until it’s delivered.

First of all, I’m not sure why someone would be putting the virus on cardboard in the first place, but it’s said that can only live on cardboard for about 24 hours. If you’re like my family that you’re still getting some Amazon packages in the mail, sometimes they’re being handed to you from a distance and sometimes you’re being placed or thrown at your door. I’m not sure what’s happening in your area, but we’re getting those packages and so if you’re getting those packages, here are some things for you to ponder. This is from Jay Carney, Amazon senior vice president of global corporate affairs. When receiving your pageant packages:

  • Wipe down packages with a disinfectant
  • Leave them outside or in the garage for a period of time

If you have to order toilet paper through Amazon, only you can know how long that period of time should be, that’s really up to you, but three days is advisable.

 Lastly, in addition to wiping down the packages in your life, the number one thing you can do to help prevent the spread is washing your hands, keeping them away from your face.

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